Monday, November 26, 2012

LAB 7 Week 8

Hello :)
This map shows the representation of the Black/African American population in the United States. Each shade represents a different percentage of African Americans in that particular location. These percentages of the African Americans populations were retrieved from the 2000 census and reflect the percent of African Americans in each particular county. This map reflects that certain areas have higher concentrations then other areas do. This map also reflects the large concentration in the South of African Americans. 

This map shows were most of the Asian concentration is located in the United States of America. Each shade represents a different percentage of Asians in that particular location. These percentages of the Asian populations were retrieved from the 2000 census and reflect the percent of Asians in each particular county. This map reflects that certain areas have higher concentrations then other areas do.

This map shows the representation of some other race population in the United States. Each shade represents a different percentage of Some Other Race in that particular location. These percentages of the other race populations were retrieved from the 2000 census and reflect the percent of this other race in each particular county. This map reflects that certain areas have higher concentrations then other areas do. This map also reflects the large concentration in the Southwest particularly close to the border of Mexico. I think that this other race is probably of Latino/a decent due to its heavy population in relation to the Mexican border.   

I am frustrated with Arc GIS. I find myself having to play around with the program a lot to get the desired look that I want. Having to search for data is not much fun either. Some of the instructions from the labs are not very helpful either. The instructions, I feel do not take into consideration that I am new with this program and I am barely still learning.

I do not like the fact while making the map that there is even such a phrase as some other race. Each race in the United States should be taken into account. On the bright side it is very helpful to see where each race is concentrating because that would help local law makers with their policy making and helps out everyone who is interested in where migrating people are going to find new lives.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Lab 5

ArcGIS was definitely a challenge to use. Having to constantly reposition the maps was very difficult and having to create the process over again because sometimes I would lose the map that I was creating because I would accidentally zoom in too far or to close. ArcGIS is something that definitely needs to be handled with care because some aspects are very difficult to understand.

The tutorial in some parts was not as specific as I wanted it to be like for instance when I was trying to recreate the data frame that took me a while to figure out. The beginning was easy but then the instructions started to become unclear and especially as a beginner more details are always best. ArcGIS can definitely improve on being more user friendly for people who have not yet mastered software programming which I feel like this is it.

With gradual practice I am sure ArcGIS will become a great tool to use whenever new projects have to be done for instance like urban planning, finding new locations for buildings, and just creating maps so that people have visuals references when they are planning something or want to explain a project to someone else.

With its pros and cons I am sure that people have used and will continue to use ArcGIS to its fullest potential. To discover new horizons and to map new locations of where people have never been, but will sometime need a map to get there.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Lab 2 Assignment

1. The name of the quadrangle is Beverly Hills Quadrangle

2. The names of the surrounding quadrangles are Canoga Park, Van Nuys, Burbank, Topanga, Hollywood, Venice, and Inglewood.

3. The quadrangle was first created in 1966 because that is when the topography was compiled.

4. The datum used to create this map are North American Datum 1927 (NAD 27) and North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83).

5.  The scale for my map is 1:24,000

6a. 5 centimeters on the map is equivalent to 1200 meters on the ground

6b. 5 inches on the map is equivalent to 1.89 miles on the ground

6c. 1 mile on the ground is equivalent to 2.64 inches on the map

6d. 3 kilometers on the ground is equivalent to 12.5 centimeters on the map

7.  The countour interval on my map is 20 feet.

8a. The Public affairs coordinates are (34 degs  4’ 28” N latitude) and (118 degs 26’ 21”W longitude) and 34.074479 degrees latitude and 118.439249 degrees longitude.

8b. The Santa Monica Pier coordinates are (34 degs 0’ 27” N latitude) and (118 degs 30’ 0.0189” W longitude) and 34.007502 degrees latitude and 118.500005 degrees longitude.

8c. The Upper Franklin Canyon Reservoir coordinates are (34° 7' 14” N latitude) and (118° 24' 35" W longitude) and 34.120651 degrees latitude and 118.409884 degrees longitude. 

9a. Elevation of Greystone Mansion: 
560 ft=170m

9b. Elevation of Woodlawn Cemetery:  
140 ft=42m

9c. Crestwood Hills Park:

10. The UTM Zone is zone 11.

11. The UTM coordines for the lower left corner of the map is 361,500m East and 3,763,000m North.

12. 1,000,000 m^2 in each square. 


14. The magnetic declination is 14 degrees. 

15. The water flow is North to South. 

16. UCLA Crop out!

Monday, October 8, 2012

New York, New York

I got this map from Google Maps. To find this map you go to and search for "Manhattan."

This map shows New York, New York and its various boroughs. This map shows Central Park and various other locations in New York. There are also main interstates that take you to various locations. There are also bays that connect to the Atlantic Ocean.  There are also various islands.

I find this map interesting because I would like to some day move here. I also find this map interesting because there is literally only a little rectangle in this whole city where there are plants growing.